Center for Democracy & Technology

The Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT) is a 28-year-old 501(c)3 nonpartisan nonprofit organization that protects civil rights and civil liberties in the digital age. It shapes technology policy, governance and architecture, with a focus on equity and justice. Objectively continued its ongoing collaboration with the CDT Research team to build out the visual identity of the team’s research work, focusing on the development of illustrations, data visualizations, and layout designs that prioritize principles of accessibility.

Visual identity | Layout design | Data visualization | Accessibility

Internal pages from Do You See What I See?.

The Objectively team is both wildly talented and incredibly sharp. I knew in our second meeting that CDT had found the right designer to help us not only build a tangible visual language for our growing research work, but also bake an elevated awareness of best practices into our in-house design processes. The team’s ability to synthesize vast, obtuse concepts, articulate existing tensions in the problem at hand, and communicate effectively are second to none. Period.
— Tim Hoagland, Deputy Director of Communications, CDT

Internal pages from Outside Looking In.

Internal pages from Shedding Light on Shadowbanning.

Internal pages from “This is Transparency to Me”.

Internal pages from Learning to Share.

Internal pages from An Unrepresentative Democracy.